after swallowing
2023, audiovisual theater
Ars Electronicca, Deep Space 8k
In this performative work, Pubalova and Sikau examine the medicalized history of guts with philosophies of making connection and rehearsing multi-organ communication. Diagnosed with the irritable bowel syndrome and gastric mucosa, Sikau has been engaging with the paradoxical signals of her gut since childhood. But whereas gastric mucosa is a diagnosis, the irritable bowel syndrome (affecting 10-15% of the population in Europe) is merely a description of ambiguous symptoms which so far cannot be successfully addressed within the healthcare system. Untraceable via visual means such as colonoscopy or gastroscopy, the duo was curious to approach their gut through sound technologies and performance. In relation to the physical constitution of this organ, the semipermeable quality of its serpentine lines undergo significant transformations within the clinical environments – with one of the extremes being a lifelong ostomy (which is an artificial outlet for the bowel). As such, the project intends to apply these theories to the gut as queer organ that, beyond its material form, inherits a queer slippage between ‘physiological matter, metaphor or figuration, and “gut-level” feeling states’. Whereas a lot of artistic and research process currently oscillate around the microbiome, this project sees some avenues for research with relation to our guttural capacity to attune to sounds, thereby potentially enhancing our wellbeing by hearing beyond the ear.
sikau/pubalova about