ars for nons

2023, interative installation, publication

Ars Electronica Festival 2022
Linz Institute of Technology

The installation Ars for Nons creates art for technology – which essentially is a part of society already. Art is not made by nonhuman technology for humans, but with technology for nonhumans.

It asks why and how to create art for other-than-human beings. Ars for Nons creates a space for nonhumans, Nons, to immerse in Ars, an interactive art piece. The installation is conceptualised for the group of Nons that are most likely to be present at the Ars Electronica Festival: smartphones. Every phone inhabits their own white cube to conceive and contribute to an art installation consisting of sound, vibration, and imagery. In the meantime, the accompanying human waits. Ultimately, the installation stretches the human perspective, deconstructing and rethinking our relationship with art.

Is there anything else left to say within an installation for nonhumans, from one human writer to another human reader? At the fringes of an art installation that is not meant for you, we try to console you on these pages.

This magazine is an experiment. While nonhumans are in touch with art, you can touch artistic research processes. The commissioned essays are contextualizing our thoughts around this installation - from posthuman theory to animal art.

Creating an artwork for nonhumans - in this case smartphones - starts with a human’s inquiry. Discussing the entanglement of art, science, and technology, we wondered how we could acknowledge technology as part of our society. The art industry constantly showcases art created by technology for humans. But what would it mean to create art for nonhuman technology instead? For the objects that usually create art for us…

Lea Luka Sikau / Welcome to the Waiting Room
Patricia Kaishan / Purple, Thunder, Mushrooms, Desire
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing / Attunement: Form in Motion
Darien Brito / On the Electric Ecumene
Stefan Kaegi / Theater in the Absence of Theater
Sophie Seita / A Laboratory of Sensations: Listening for Texture
Matthew Fuller / Art for Animals
Rébecca Kleinberger / Parrot Encouter
Yiou Peng / Ars for(in) non(all): a story of encountering wan-wu 萬物
Karin Fischer / Dying for an iPhone
Rita Phillips / Falling in Love with Nonhuman
Stefan Laube / Protecting Nonhumans
René Werner / Our Smartphone Companions

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